2D Or Not 2D? That Is The Question For Hollywood, Babylon
Automobiles were mass produced for the first time by Henry Ford`s motor company in 1908, when the Ford Model-T began to roll off the production line. Although the Saturn V rockets designed by North America`s Space Administration (NASA) assisted Neil Armstrong to make the Apollo 11 moon landing on 20 July (UTC) 1969, improvements in travel technology were `cosmetic`. Despite the `Luna Rover` car being pedalled across the surface of the moon by Commander David Scott of Apollo 15 on 31 July 1971 (UTC), at the beginning of the 21st century the motor car remained the same pedal controlled vehicle it had been at the start. The car controlled and disabled the bored driver rather than representing the developed functionality of the individual. It was the limit of technological achievement for those who didn`t want human to be more than two dimensional and bored:
`... having the dimensions of height and width only: a two-dimensional surface.`1
To be bored by the car was to remain cardboard because limited functionality for both vehicle and driver seems to have been the aim. Traditional perceptions of humanity are that a man is one dimensional, before he becomes two dimensional with the woman as a partner. The world becomes three dimensional in its unfolding for the couple within the vehicle of the marriage.
In the New Testament of the Christian Bible Jesus` church is his `bride` while God tells Eve in Eden she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` because she`s `woman`s seed` who `will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for `the new heaven and Earth` God promised her. Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, she`s `woman` seed`, that is, the woman who can reproduce without men, and `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` can reproduce as the human species, which leaves men as her enslaver because she`s not in the 1D picture they`ve painted for her.
Although the New Testament promulgates the message of the Holy Trinity of God, the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is the `fatherer` missing from the equation. The Holy Spirit is equatable with Eve, because Jesus was the `Second Adam` and the first of `woman`s seed`. Christ`s side was pierced by the spear of Longinus, that is, the spear of Destiny, at the Messiah`s crucifixion. The `Second Eve` emerging from the side of Christ was the Holy Spirit of the wisdom of Eve since Eden that Jesus promised would be the teacher of humanity after his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven following his death upon the cross. Without the Holy Spirit humans would remain cardboard 1D or 2D figures because men don`t want women to breed their own brains and achieve three dimensionality (3D) for the human species in socio-historical and technological terms. Lest men become bereft of host wombs to enslave for the production of the civilization, culture and art they periodically destroy in their wars against `woman`s seed` because they`re her devouring parasites:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

In Hollywood, Babylon, the taboo against the male penis being even hinted at was actually aimed at concealing the fact of the `futanarian` penis `seed` of woman from herself and her daughters,2 which is why there`s a correspondence between Babylon, the ancient seat of Iraq, and Hollywood, where the seminal movie of the 21st century was made, World Trade Centre (2006), which dealt with the events of 9/11, 2001. The terrorist group Al Qaeda hijacked civil aircraft to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York to precipitate another round of global `rough trade` talks in which the brutality and violence of pederasty was given full reign in the Gulf War (2001-11) against Al Qaeda`s supporter, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein (1937-2006), who was hung by the Americans in Baghdad on 30 December 2006.

From the 1930s Hollywood, Babylon, had a policy of keeping the foot of both the man and the woman on the floor in bedroom scenes because the penis of the `futanarian` woman was taboo. Although the USA was able to get both Saddam Hussein`s feet off the ground, the fourfold marriage of Islam wasn`t comprehended. Beneath the one piece coverall of their abiyahs the Moslem women, faithful to the Koran (610-30 CE) as dictated to the Prophet Mohammed by the angels, kept the penis` `seed` of the `futanarian` woman concealed from prying eyes. If the penis is definable as `futanarian`, the aim would be to get both feet off the ground, which the Americans were able to do with Saddam Hussein as the logical concomitant of Hollywood, Babylon`s preoccupations with repressing the penis in favour of the gun.
The fourfold marriage of Moslem`s in Arabian society suggests getting the male and female penis off the ground as the `futanarian` human species was the difficult `hidden agenda` left hanging at Saddam Hussein`s feet. His name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, and crushing the `futanarian` is what Hollywood, Babylon was for. As an `actor` Saddam Hussein was `traditional`, because Hollywood, Babylon`s suppression of the female penis tells the audience that it prefers the debilitating worship of Mars, god of war, to the development of human knowledge and wisdom, so she can escape from the crushing jaws of the handsome aliens that have hijacked her host womb to enslave and devour her in the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for woman`s.

In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) there are archetypes which emerge into consciousness in dreams, imagination and art as the inspiring engines of human consciousness. In Islam a man can have four wives, which in terms of Jungian archetypal psychology relates to the four functions of consciousness; Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition. In automotive terms the individual needs four wheels or the vehicle can`t roll. Without the penis` `seed` of the woman in the driving seat, she won`t be able to get her foot onto the accelerator, so the `futanarian` human species won`t be able to get off the Earth`s surface; because her brainpower won`t be bred to achieve technological escape velocity from her prison. The boring car maintains disability for those who are bored with the car and the Earth remains covered with one dimensional and two dimensional cardboard characters; because the spirit of the woman is missing from the trinity that would make everything 3D:
`The spacetime in which we live appears to be 4-dimensional. It is conventional (and for most practical purposes entirely sensible) to consider this as three spatial dimensions and one of time. We can move up-or-down, north-or-south, or east-or-west, and movement in any other direction can be expressed in terms of just these three. Moving down is the same as moving up a negative amount. Moving northwest is merely a combination of moving north and moving west.`3
But movement is different if the picture changes developmentally, because travel in the fourth dimension of time is about escape for the `futanarian` woman as the host womb of her own independent human species with its own socio-economic valence for reproducing its own brainpower and achieving its own technological velocity. Without 3D trinitarian Christian thinking that incorporates a vision of the `futanarian` woman giving birth without male semen, that is, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, what remains of the human race will be 1D and 2D, where one is the alien enslaver attached to the woman`s `futanarian` penis as the debilitating male virus and two is the imprisoned womb of the woman from which the parasite emerges to consume its host. The motor car is the illusionist`s device. Controlling the motorist rather than affording freedom, the disabling vehicle prevents `woman`s seed` from achieving escape velocity through the development of technology that will allow her to leave for the planets and stars of `heaven` in starships. In Arabia women aren`t even allowed to drive, which means they can`t get their `futanarian` on the car`s accelerator, and so the human species remains flawed.
1 https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/two+dimensional .
2 `The Production Code of the Motion Picture Industry`, Part II, 2 (c), 1930-67.
3 https://www.wordiq.com/definition/Dimension .