Bukhoor, Mabkhara and Baphomet
The traditional incense burner of the Moslem faith used to perfume the home is the mabkhara while bukhoor are the perfumed incense chips burned inside the mabkhara, which resembles the tower of Baphomet in illustrations of the deity adopted by the `Church of Satan`.1 Baphomet is depicted with the head, horns and feet of a goat, the breasts of a woman and her penis, while arising from the crown of her head is what looks like the mabkhara of Islam.

According to Western scholarship Baphomet is a derivation of Mohammed, which was the name of the Prophet of Islam who had the holy book of Allah dictated to him by the angels, the Koran (610-30 CE), and women in Arabia are `hidden` beneath their black burkhas because women have their own penis` seed as `futanarian`, which is called the `woman`s seed` in Christianity. The crusaders of the 11th century first discovered the name of Baphomet as a variant of Mohammed during their crusades to capture the holy city of Jerusalem, where Christ was crucified and had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, and where the Christian mission began:
`As the next day dawned they called loudly upon Baphometh while we prayed silently in our hearts to God; then we attacked and forced all of them outside the city walls ...`2
God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` before `she shall crush the head of the serpent with ther heel as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth`:
`The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of ...` (Rev: 12. 6)

Western civilization was based on the Greek model of institutionalized pederasty and enslavement of women`s host wombs for the furthering of war. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, and before his crucifixion and death, at the `Last Supper` after his betrayal by the disciple Judas, and following the disciples` berating of a woman for wasting expensive oil on perfuming his soon to be a dead man`s feet, Christ reproved them mildly, `Leave her alone,` (Mk: 14. 6) and broke bread and gave wine as a good host in token of his `body and blood`, which the disiples had effectively decided to devour as his parasites. Born of a good host, his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen and its parasitism, Jesus` teaching was that of respect for a good host, that is, don`t eat the hostess or her children:
`Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."` (Luke: 18. 16-17)

`Tower Of Strength` is the hit single by The Mission (1986-) from the album Children, and pop music is most relevant when it`s prepared to examine symbolism and meaning in its lyrics and videos. Often criticized as `Satanism`, pop music and the figure of Baphomet are more in keeping with Christ`s Christian mission of explaining that the instincts, represented by the goat`s head, horns and hooves, need to be accepted and transformed. If women as the human species` true `seed` is to develop with her own penis, breasts and self-reproductive vagina and womb with brain power derived entirely and solely from her own sexual desire for herself. The Mission`s mission is Christ`s and Jesus, whose story appears in the Koran, where he`s accepted as a teacher of Islam, births his children like Mohammed, the Prophet, whose God is the `Tower Of Strength` of bukhoor and mabkhara, that is, the incense raised in worship by the woman of the house to the divinity that accepts her `seed`:
`Do not harm little children.`3
Mosques, the places of collective worship in Islam, were called `Bafumarias` by the crusaders, because Maria is Mary and Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, from the Virgin Mary, his mother, and so Baphomet is a variant of Mohammed and Bafumaria translates as the place where `woman`s seed` worships:
`You rescue me, You are my faith, my hope, my liberty, and when there is darkness all around, you shine bright for me, you are the guiding light. You are the tower of strength to me.`4

The problem would arise if the towers of strength became charnel houses because of the incense metaphor which the German Nazis applied in their persecution of the Jews from the 1930s until the end of the Second World War in 1945 when the death camps at Auschwitz, Belsen and Dachau, amongst others, were discovered to contain ovens in which God`s `chosen people`, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, were the burnt offerings of the Nazis in their godless ritualizations parodying the perfumed incense offered to God in the censers of Catholicism and the mabkharas of the Moslems.

Jews can`t be born if they`re not born from a woman who`s a Jew, which means that women are the Jews, that is, the `chosen people` are women, because they`re `woman`s seed` and represent the future of the human species upon the Earth as `futanarian` women with their own penis` seed and socio-economic independence from unredeemed men who have been their enslaving and devouring parasites despite her efforts to produce civilization, culture and art from her host womb.

According to Jesus, the Resurrection and the `new heaven and Earth` from God are for `woman` seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman, who is a single species, `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Women don`t need men and are destined to be the future hosts of God. If she breeds she`ll have brains to resist, and Revelation prophecies `war in heaven` and the final defeat of the `serpent`s seed` of men, who will receive eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, if they don`t repent from their spreading themselves as a contagion:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done` (Rev: 16. 11)
Mixing blood, shit and semen in anal sex together men created one of their devices, which is caled the `blood plague` of Revelation sent by God as a plague to convert men from their sin, that is, the HIV/AIDS `killer disease`. Homosexual pederasty`s `biological weapon` of sterile virality keeps women in fear of being unfaithful to her parasite because, through its blinding of her by means of censorship, and maintaining her as a short-lived ephemeral without proper medical treatment that would keep her long-lived and youthful, the parasite ensures its continuing emergence from her host womb as her devourer in its ceaseless wars upon the Earth. Unable to breed with herself as the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` seed she can`t develop the brains she needs to even remember her own penis` seed, never mind open the eyes of her daughters to truth and remain wise and youthful by applying her brains to the science of longevity rather than the worship of death which men have institutionalized:
`And was Jerusalem builded here, among these dark satanic mills?` (l. 7-8)

In England the poet William Blake once wrote of the churches there as `dark satanic mills`,4 which is understandable if the death of the human species is being worshipped by those who`re swinging the censers in the Catholic services and burning incense in the mabkharas of their Bafumarias as they celebrate the extinction of women`s brains because they`re unable to breed as a single species. In Catholicism and Islam women are taught to cover their heads in worship because `angels` might find them attractive and want to sexually reproduce. If women are `angels` as `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` and capacity for breeding her own brains and develop as a race, the prohibition against uncovering the face is designed to prevent the human species from developing its own brains which would thwart the parasitical devourers of it:
I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand: till we have built Jerusalem, in England`s green and pleasant land.` (l. 13-16)

If places of religious worship were for luring the `angels`, so that the brains of the species could be contaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men, `angels` are women once persuaded to come down from their heavenly abode as breeders of their own divine intellect by means of their own penis` seed. Men are her enslavers and devourers, who don`t want God`s `breeding program` to succeed, and for the new angelic host` of the bred human species to return to God, `as the angels`, according to God`s plan, and Jesus` teachings of Redemption.
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigil_of_Baphomet .
2 Barber, M. and K. Bate The Templars, Manchester University Press, 2002, p.29.
3 The ninth of `the eleven Satanic rules of the Earth` from the Church of Satan, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Children .
4 Craig David Adams, Mick Brown, Simon Thomas Hinkler, Wayne Hussey `Tower Of Strength` from Children by The Mission, 1988.
5 Blake, William Jerusalem, 1808.