God Goes Down Like A Lead Balloon With Led Zeppelin
Aging rockers Led Zeppelin`s live album How The West Was Won (2003) presents them as Americans, which isn`t true. The sleeve notes tell the buyer that Led Zeppelin practise satanism, but there aren`t very many people who know what that means. Keith Moon of the rock group The Who was reported as saying `Led Zeppelin will go down like a lead baloon`1 when the idea for the band was discussed and his name was linked with the group as the possible drummer. The name of the band was decided upon because Led Zeppelin wanted a bullet big enough to shoot God with, which is what Keith Moon really said, `God goes down like a lead baloon with Led Zeppelin,` because that`s what satanism is. Led Zeppelin weren`t bigger than God because God`s better.
On the 1969 cover of their first album Led Zeppelin I, Led Zeppelin put a picture of the Hindenberg airship that crashed in New Jersey on a flight from Germany in 1937. The USA didn`t enter into World War Two (1939-45) until the Japanese mitsubishi sucide `zero` pilots crashed their `fighter` planes into the US aircraft carriers in a surprise attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour on 7 December 1941, because the Americans had been brought close in sympathy with the Germans after the LZ 129 airship disaster at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station. Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer is a maxim for mafia Godfathers and the end of Led Zeppelin`s movie of themselves,2 The Song Remains The Same (1976) presents them as just that.

They were told after 1977`s `Destroyer` tour and drummer John Bonham`s brawling with a security guard at Oakland`s arena that Led Zeppelin would never tour the USA again. John died in bed in 1980 as the band prepared for a US tour. The verdict was `misadventure` because he drank, but the album sleeve for Led Zeppelin I and the band`s posturing on the sleeve for How The West Was Won relates to the band`s wanting to keep their friends close and their enemies closer. THe Hindenberg disaster kept the USA out of WWII because the Americans afterwards felt closer to the Germans, who had begun the extermination of the Jews and other `minority` groups in Europe. Because you can only be a Jew if you`re born from a woman, women are Jews, which means that the Nazis pogroms were designed to extinguish the human species.

Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, which means men are the `serpent`s seed` of the Bible and God`s promise of a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed` means the description from God of Eve`s `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` refers to her own seed`s antagonism towards her parasites. Women who are `futanarian` have their own penis and `seed` or semen, and so are the independent human species. Men are the enslaving parasite emerging from her host womb described in Revelation as the devouring `red dragon`, which will have perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, as God`s punishment. For its enslaving of the host wombs of the human species of woman and thwarting her self-reproductive valence and socio-economic future. Devoured by the `serpent`s seed`, Led Zeppelin`s satanism espouses the `red dragon` they worship.

The image of the Hindenberg on the cover of Led Zeppelin I was the beginning of `their worships`. Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer is what men practise with women because men are devils and parasites. Al Qaeda hijacked civil planes while posing as guests of the USA and crashed them suicidally into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre to precipitate the `rough trade` of the Gulf war (2001-11). Planes aren`t airships but keeping technology at a low enough level to kill the human species and prevent it from escaping to the planets and stars above in heaven is what pederasty is for. Western civilization is built on the foundations of ancient Greece which institutionalized pederasty and the enslavement of the host wombs of women to spread its contagion of war further. Computer experts describe viruses as `Trojan horses`:
`Beware greeks bearing gifts.`3
Just as the HIV/AIDS virus produced by men`s mixing of blood, shit and the `serpent`s seed` of their semen in anal sex together feigns friendship for the white cells of the body in order to kill it, so the Greeks used a huge hollow wooden horse as a `friendship gift` before the walls of Troy and emerged therein to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion further. The Hindenberg disaster was a `Trojan horse` that kept the USA out of WWII long enough for the Japanese to mount another suicide attack.
The Greek poet Homer wrote of the towers of Ilium in his poem about the Trojan war The Iliad (c. 1194-84 BC) and so the Twin Towers of New York were the 21st century equivalent of Ilium, that is, Troy, which is the name of a city in upstate New York and so was the symbolic target of the 9/11 2001 Al Qaeda terrorist `geeks`, who wanted to give the computerized US` defense system their virus to precipitate pederasty`s virality as a solution to women`s growing awareness of her own penis` virility. When the Hindenberg airship arrived in the USA in 1937 it needed a tower to anchor itself, which is what airships require.

Airplanes don`t need towers, but the principle is clear. Plane technology isn`t low enough for the parasites and devil men who want to put the humans back into the trees as apes. The Twin Towers were destroyed by Al Qaeda, which translates as `the base`, but few people would recognize Al Qaeda`s leader, Osama Ben Ladan, as a Led Zeppelin `geek` on a `destroyer` tour. The band have their own airplane, Led Zeppelin, and so don`t need towers. But they do need a heavier bass after John Bonham because, if John Paul has to learn to play any more instruments, Led Zeppelin will have learned the Trinity is God:
`Gotta keep this aeroplane off. No, leave it. Yeah.`4
The US didn`t want Led Zeppelin to tour there again after 1977 because `every picture tells a story` and the cover of Led Zeppelin I tells the reader `keep your friends close and your enemies closer`, because the Hindenberg `suicide` kept the Americans feeling friendship twoards the Germans and out of WWII until the Japanese suicide pilots were ready to crash their planes into the decks of the US carrier fleet at Pearl harbor. The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to the `New Redeemer` while the devouring `red dragon` waits in vain is the statue of Liberty in New York harbor defeating the moon of Al Qaeda after the red sun of Japan. In America `shoot the moon` is colloquially used to exhort someone to achieve something high and great. Keith Moon of The Who said that Led Zeppelin`s idea of themselves as a bigger bullet to shoot God with as satanists went `down like a lead balloon` with him. Al Qaeda`s terrorist attack on the USA went down like a lead balloon there. Led Zeppelin`s posturing on the cover of How The West Was Won as Americans and their subsequent release of their greatest hits, Mother Ship (2007), as satanists, went down like a lead balloon with Jesus:
`You are a tower of strength to me.`5
1 Shadwick, Keith Led Zeppelin: The Story of a Band and Their Music 1968–1980, San Francisco, Backbeat Books, 2004.
2 Sun Tzu On The Art Of War, 400 BC.
3 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II, 90 BC.
4 Brief discussion kept on the recording of the song `Black Country Woman` about whether or not to keep on the track the sound of a plane passing over that can still be heard on the final recorded version; from Led Zeppelin`s album Physical Graffiti, 1975. From the perspective of 9/11 the planes that were crashed into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre by Al Qaeda`s suiciding hijackers were `physical graffiti` better removed.
5 Hussey, Wayne The Mission `Tower Of Strength` from Children, produced by John Paul Jones, 1988.