Grief, Carrie Fisher and The Fisher King
In the book of Job from the Old Testament of the Bible, God tells the man Job that he is puny in comparison because, like whales in nature, God is bigger, `Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishook?` According to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Leviathan is a symbol of a content of the collective unconscious. In Jungian psychology the unconscious is represented by the sea from which the archetypes, that is, imagery and figures that appear in the dreams, art and imagination of humans, appear or `surface` to inspire humanity in its progress. Just as Christ is `the fish` in Christian iconography, that is, a psychic content of the sea of the unconscious, seeking to become conscious, so Leviathan is a force of nature that Job is told he shouldn`t struggle with because it`s too great for his strength.
In the legend of the Holy Grail, which was the bowl used by Jesus Christ at the `Last Supper` with his disciples before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to `heaven`, the knights of King Arthur of the Britons seek the vessel as a content of the collective unconscious not yet realized amongst them. Judas Iscariot, the disciple, betrayed Jesus by handing him over to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver`, while the disciples, as a group, berated a woman on the day before Jesus` crucifixion for wasting expensive perfume on his feet because he would be dead soon:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)

Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` to the disciples at the `last Supper` before his death in token of his `body and blood` was his protest as the host because his guests were his betrayers. Moreover, the Virgin Mary, his mother, was the host womb for Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, which meant it was the function of the host he most valued. The Grail or cup from Jesus` `Last Supper` was prized by the knights of King Arthur as a symbol of the host, which is the term often used in the BIble for the angels, that is, the host of God:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

Jesus is described as `the first of woman`s seed` because born uncontaminated from the host womb of the Virgin Mary, his mother, which means she is `woman`s seed` in that she can self-reproduce a human without male semen. The Virgin Mary, Jesus` mother, represents female semen, because `futanarian` women have their own penis` `seed` and so the new `angelic host`, after the Resurrection, will have their own exclusive brain power or `angelic intellect` derived from woman`s almost unknown penis` `seed` at the commencement of the 21st century. As a species` biunity `woman`s seed` isn`t marriageable, because she`s single, and so won`t marry but, after the Resurrection, will be `like the angels in heaven`.

God tells Eve in the Bible she `will crush the head of the sperpent as she leaves` after she accepts the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from it in Eden, which she gives to Adam and the pair are expelled from the garden of God on Earth for disobeying God`s command not to eat that fruit but to eat of the fruit of the `tree of live` because they will not die if they do. When Adam accepts the fruit from Eve he has agreed to enslavement by the `serpent`s seed` and the devouring of Eve as the apple in the `perpetual enmity` God tells Eve she`ll have between the serpent`s and her `seed`, that is, pederasty and war, which is `Eve`s grief`.

In ancient Greece women`s `host` wombs were enslaved in homosexuality so that pederasty and war could be spread as the `gay plague`, while in Revelation the `blood plague` of the `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, is described, which was created in the anuses of men preferring each other in rejection of women and mixing blood, shit and semen in penile masturbation together. HIV/AIDS is an attribute of the `red dragon` of Revelation, which waits in vain to devour Jesus, born in his `Second Coming` as `the New Redeemer`, from the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`. Because the flags of Japan are a red sun and the flags of Al Qaeda are a yellow moon, `Liberty` in New York harbor is the birth mother of Christ, after the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl harbor, 7 December 1941, which precipitated US` involvement in World War II (1939-45), and the terrorist hijacking by Al Qaeda of civil aircraft, September 11, 2001, before crashing them into the the World Trade Centre of Eve`s `Big Apple` of New York to precipitate another round of `rough trade` in Gulf war II (2001-11):
`... a male homosexual prostitute who engages in brutality or sadism, or such homosexuals collectively.`1

The US was the host of God, because the Japanese invaded an unwilling host, just as Saddam Hussein invaded neighbour, Kuwait, to precipitate the first Gulf war (1990-1), and the Arabian terrorist hijackers were guests of an unsuspecting host when they betrayed the USA on 9/11, 2001, and crashed hijacked airliners into the Twin Towers of Manhattan island, New York state. The `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS and the devouring `red dragon` are `relatives`, because HIV/AIDS is a `biological weapon` that enslaves woman`s host wombs in fear and faithfulness to monogamy in the god of war`s pederasty of `boy sons`, that is, the `poisons` in the `red dragon` of the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality`s devourings are HIV/AIDS.

The NASA Apollo space program to put an astronaut on the moon was preceded by a spaceplane program to fly there but the test X-15 series of aircraft discovered that the pilots were susceptible to blackout at high altitudes as so the spaceplane program was cancelled after several crashes. The Saturn V rocket was developed and Apollo 11`s `lunar module` opened on the moon on July 20 1969 (UTC) and Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`
Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed is the `fut` of the `biune` human species, as it were, seeking to escape from its parasite, US President Ronald `ray gun` Reagan`s 1982 `Strategic defense Initiative` (SDI) to ring the planet with a ground and space based missile system facing inwards, smacks of misogyny`s ensuring woman`s `fut` will never leave Earth.

Ronald Reagan`s `SDI` was labelled `star wars`, because of the Star Wars (1977-) series of movies in which the Empire and the Federation are at war over freedom and slavery. Princess Leia in the first filmed movie, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, played by Hollywood actress, Carrie Fisher, is the Federation`s beacon, much in the way that `Liberty` is the `torch of freedom` for the Earth`s Western hemisphere in the 21st century. Carrie Fisher represents the grief of Eve in the first Star Wars movies because her `fut` isn`t visible on the bed:
`I don't know who you are or where you've come from, but from now on you'll do as I say, okay?`

In Hollywood, Babylon, the rule in the 1950s and 1960s was that a woman had to keep her foot on the floor in bedroom scenes, so if `futanarian` woman isn`t `scene` in space operas such as Star Wars, the remains of the `fut` are on the bed in Hollywood, Babylon, and her remains will be in the `ped`, that is, the maw of enslaving and devouring pederasty`s god of war, if God didn`t win the `war in heaven`, but it is written in the Bible that the `serpent`s seed` will receive perdition, that is, unendurable eternal pain, as their punishment from God after their rebellion against God`s plan, while `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` as her reward:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

Although Carrie Fisher appears sexily in the second filmed movie, Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983), in an exotically styled bikini alongside Jabba, the Hut, who is the extraterrestrial slaver she escapes from amongst the planets and stars of `heaven`, emphasis is upon the flatness of her mons veneris, that is, she`s sexually inviting rather than sexually thrustful, because the taboo against the male penis, in Hollywood mainstream films, as elsewhere upon the Earth, is designed to repress the woman`s penis from view:
`They let us go. It was the only reason for the ease of our escape.`

Jabba, the Hut, who is the extraterrestrial of the movie, is a type of the man who understands `woman`s seed` must be freed. The name `Fisher` is appropriate because the `Fisher King` appears in the legends of the Grail as one who is awaiting the restoration of his lands. T. S. Eliot in his poem, `The Wasteland` (1920), which was designed to induce spirituality in Western civilization, culture and art after World War I (1914-18) by means of imagery associated with growth and development, included the figure of the `Fisher King` amongst its allusions to the quest for the Holy Grail of Resurrection because the `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis seems almost extinguished upon the Earth. The `Fisher King` waits patiently fishing because he knows why his lands are inexplicably sterile and barren:
`Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishook?` (Job: 41.1)

God`s question to Job isn`t a challenge, but an observation on what men are. Harpooning whales is what they have learned to do, and so feel themselves bigger and the measure of all nature. But `futanarian` woman is `Leviathan`, in terms of human growth and development, and so men`s dominating egoism has made her human species` biunity of `woman`s seed` almost extinct; at least from view: although women in the Arabian Middle East wear the one piece coverall, the burkah, in public, so that their concealed bodies cannot be defined. The `Fisher King` of the Grail legend is associated with restoration of his lands because Resurrection of `woman`s seed` presupposes restoration of the Earth, which is why T. S. Eliot incorporated the figure into `The Wasteland`:
`... fishing in the dull canal.` (l. 189)

The `fish` he is fishing for is not only Jesus, who was the `fish` in Christian iconography, but Khidr from the Koran (610-30 CE), dictated by the `angels` to the Prophet Mohammed, according to the Moslem faith of Islam, because of the fish taken by Moses to the red sea in `The Cave` chapter (Sura 18) for his and Joshua`s `supper`. They lose the fish in the `red sea` and Khidr appears, the `green one`, who begins to teach Moses, the receiver of God`s `law` in the Bible, and Joshua, who was the leader of the Jews when they reached the `Promised Land` after being led out of slavery in Egypt by Moses.

During the narrative that constitutes the Sura, `Al Khaf`, that is, `The Cave` chapter from the Koran, Khidr reburies discovered treasure, because the discoverer isn`t worthy, kills a child because its evil, and makes holes in boats to prevent his being followed. Moses doesn`t comprehend until Khidr explains, and so Khidr leaves them. Because Jesus is `the fish` after Moses and Joshua, Khidr is a type of Jesus, whose symbol is `the fish`, because he taught the disciples to become `fishers of men`, as preachers of the word of God in the Gospels. Christ isn`t `Leviathan` because, although he`s `the fish` and `the first of `woman`s seed`, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is God`s own nature. In the Koran Khidr is the `wise one` because Moses doesn`t understand and Jesus is the resurrected one because he understands in nature. Khidr knows Moses and Joshua aren`t wise enough to understand that `woman`s seed` is human whereas they`re not.

In the movie series Star Wars Princess Leia is `Slayer`, that is, the `grief of Eve` and the female equivalent of the `Fisher King` because she`s `Grief Fisher` (Carrie Fisher), `Put that thing away, you're gonna get us all killed!` In the legends of the Holy Grail, the `Fisher King` is Anfortas and has a mysterious wound in his groin region, which finds correspondence in his lands` sterility and barrenness, because it represents men`s transposition of the penis to the gun and the death wound of Eve`s human species` biune `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`; if she isn`t resurrected and restored to the Earth:
`Princess Leia, before your execution, I'd like you to join me for a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.`

The Star Wars` stories of the Federation, and its wars against the evil Empire of Darth Vader, represent the sterility and barrenness men have planned for women in pederasty and devouring enslavement of her culture, civilization and art as it emerges from her host womb, despite her parasites` depredations over the eons. `Grief Fisher`, that is, Carrie Fisher, is the grief of the `Fisher King`, who can only wait in his wounded and disabled state, while Princess Leia`s struggle represents woman`s grief but also a refusal to accept the loss of her socio-economic valence for independence as Eve`s `biune` human species capable of breeding her own brains and evolving a technology of space travel that isn`t preoccupied with making wars for herself to die in:
`Looks like you've managed to cut off our only escape route.`

Thomas Hobbes was the English political philosopher who wrote the book, Leviathan (1651), which argued that human society was based on the `social contract` agreeable to themselves, but `woman`s seed` have been excluded. The term was revived by James Callaghan, for the Labour Party led by Harold Wilson, before Callaghan himself became Prime Minister in 1976:
`The Social Contract aimed to avoid the difficulty of former incomes policies, allowing the employers, who in nationalised industries were the state, to treat individual groups separately in wage negotiations.`2

Callaghan was followed as British Prime Minister by Margaret `pearl` Thatcher, but her supposed 1982 victory in `The Falklands War`, that is, `the full glands war` of bull males pumped up with testosterone and gung-ho jingoism enflamed by the newspapers and mass media at home,4 was another hollow one insofar as the Argentine dictator, Galtieri, was a huge hollow wooden horse before the gates of London`s Troy, left by Greek pederasty to encourage the women within the walls to accept war and pederasty:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`3
`Greek` is an almost universal term for homosexuality because the Greeks were known for enslaving the host wombs of women in pederasty and war to spread their contagion. When the Trojans took the Greek horse into Troy the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women. According to The Aeneid, the Trojan Prince Aeneas fled Troy to Britain and the British Empire (1497-1997) arose, spreading ensaving and devouring pederasty and war further.

In the Star Wars movies Princess Leia is the heroine struggling against the Greek horse of faked friendship. As History shows, the rise and fall of one Empire of men is followed by another. In the 21st century even the killer`s disease of HIV/AIDS pretends to be like the white defending cells of the human immune system to gain access and kill the body, which reinforces the contention that men are women`s parasitical enslavers and devourers rather than her defenders.

According to the Bible `the wages of sin is death`, and Thomas Hobbes` explanation in Leviathan of society as a `social contract` in `... continual fear and danger of violent death ..,`5 amounts to the same thing, because agreement is enslavery and devourment for `woman`s seed` by the `serpent`s seed` in pederasty and war; if the socio-economic valence of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` isn`t accepted as the host of the `biune` human species` future. Callaghan`s `Social Contract` was `Socialism`, that is, there are those who don`t want to be made to work, while those who want to make them work represent Capitalism.

If technological development is the goal, human brain power is needed but, if the aim is to maintain `wage slavery`in a Hobbsean `social contract`, that is, `fear of violent death`, the enslavers and devourers are just playing with human brains. If women with their own penis` `seed` are the `futanarian` breeders of the human `futrace`, as it were, humans are few indeed anyway, which means that those who don`t want growth and progress have always been engaged in creating ever more convoluted ways of playing with humanity`s brains before it dies rather than improving its functionality so that the human species doesn`t become extinct.
What Communism`s Karl Marx called `the means of production` is woman`s host womb, and so she`s the `owner`. Neither Socialism nor Capitalism accept God to the point of congratulating the individual, who wants to independently build a starship for the planets and stars, which is what `woman` seed` as a single unwed `biunity` with her own brain power would do. Although the United States has been called a meritocracy where individuals are free to maximize their individual potential as those who are not forced to work, but choose to, Capitalism retards development so that it can maintain slavery. Sin is men`s enslaving of `woman`s seed` as her `serpent`s seed`. Without scientific advances in medicine, because of pederasty`s expensive wars, women as a species will continue to be ephemeral and die. Short-lived in censorship and taboos against her penis` visibility, woman hasn`t a picture of herself alone and can`t remember her own penis` `seed`. Men as her devourers don`t make `movies` with her penis, and so the wages of their sin is the untimely death - until the Resurrection - of `woman`s seed`.
1 .
2 .
3 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.
4 `Gotcha` was the distasteful headline in The Sun newspaper as the UK `celebrated` the cowardly sinking of a troopship containing thousands of Argentines by a single torpedo from the submarine, Conqueror, disputedly claiming the ship had been inside a nautical `exclusion zone` created around the British fleet and its operations, while outside that zone ships were free to pass unhampered.
5 Hobbes, Thomas Leviathan: The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil, 1651, XIII, 9.