Learning Kriege From Oedipus
Michael Hutchence from the Australian band INXS (1977-) was frequently reported as saying that his hobby was `corrupting` compatriot, pop singer Kylie Minogue, and the pair reputedly practised strangulation together as a means of heightening sexual orgasm. The practice derives from the perception that those who are hung `by the neck until they are dead`, as a punishment for some crime, ejaculated after their necks snap.
Those who practice heightened sexual orgasm through anoxia inducing hangings use rubber ropes as in `bunjee jumping`, which is the name given to a pastime of Australians who jump off a bridge with a rubber rope tied to their foot and they bounce so that they don`t hit the water as it looms upward as they feel themselves falling in.

The rubber rope attached to the foot is important in `bungee jumping` because woman as a `futanarian` species with her own penis` `seed` is the `futrace`. Tying the rubber rope to the foot in order not to enter the water is what pearl divers, who tie ropes to their foot when they dive for a pearl, don`t do.

In the Bible the `Kingdom of God` is `the pearl of great price`, while depth psychology tells us that the unconscious contains archetypes, that is, images and figures from dreams, imagination and art, that are the developmental inspiration for human activity, and so the `pearl of great price` is archetypal, because it denotes the `futanarian` woman as the `seed pearl` of the human species who has been forgotten but lives in the collective unconscious of mankind.

Bunjee jumping denotes a desire not to enter into the waters of the unconscious to drown in unconsciousness but to bring knowledge of the `seed pearl`, that is, the `futrace` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, from the unconscious mind, by attaching the rope of the pearl diver to the foot, perceiving that the conscious mind contains the information, but needs to be `jump started`, as a cold engine sometimes needs a jolt of electricity, to make it function.

In the ancient Greek drama of Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), the character`s name means `swollen foot`, or `slow foot`, which is usually interpreted as `lame`, and is used in American slang to describe an inadequate explanation, that is, a `lame excuse`. Oedipus` reason for blinding himself is given as resulting from his breaking of the incest taboo when he unwittingly marries his mother, Jocasta. But the taboo is designed to prevent the woman from remembering herself as a biune species` unity of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, and so Oedipus` excuse is a `lame` man`s cowardice, because he can`t accept the vision he`s vouchsafed of himself as `futanarian`, because he`d seen himself as a godlike man of the `serpent`s seed` after Eden, rather than as a member of the family of the human race.
Men`s taboo against family sex, because they don`t want the human species` family of `futanarian` woman with her own selves` penis` semen to breed, is to prevent her own brains` power developing a means of escape from men`s enslavement of her as a consanguinous host womb for her own species` genus or `family` to produce the civilization, culture and art she`s able to; despite men`s alien depredations against her in what God warns Eve in the Bible will be the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` against her `seed` in war.

Adam`s excuse to God was Oedipally `lame` in Eden when he took the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` unseeingly from Eve after she was tempted to eat of it by the serpent, because he preferred to accept women`s enslavement in devourment rather than immortality in the friendship of God for her species:
`The woman tempted me and I did eat.` (Gen: 3.13)

When the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` was accepted by Adam and Eve as forbidden by God, the pair had the `tree of life` or `immortality`, while the `knowledge of good and evil` brought death to `woman`s seed` through the subsequent generations of men`s enslaving of her in their devourers` warmongerings, because Eve was tempted by the serpent`s declaring to her:
`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 4-5)

Being God`s was `immortality`, and God`s punishment was to expel Adam and Eve from Eden, so Adam would work and live `by the sweat of his brow` and Eve would bear children in pain. Death only remains because men are `Greek` insofar as the ancients enslaved the host wombs of women in pederasty to further the homosexual `brutality and violence of war against their neighbours and further enslave the host wombs of women to spread their contagion, rather than develop the technologies of medical science to cure their illness, which isn`t a mystery any longer:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

In Revelation is described the `blood plague` sent by God to convert men from pederasty and the enslavement of women in the `biological warfare` against her that the incurable `killer disease` of the 20th century, HIV/AIDS, represents. Kept in faithfulness to her monogamous enslaver through fear of the `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS, men created in their woman-rejecting sterility of anal sex`s mixing of blood, shit and semen together in death worship, presupposed a continuation of the pogrom against the human `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen, and her devourment and continued blindness to her killers` psychopathology, whereas men`s behaviour is actually for the parasitologist to deal with, and not the psychologist`s problem at all:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
God had destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19) as an early warning to men for practising homosexuality. Jesus` role as `host` at the `Last Supper` before his murder, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, represents the woman guesting the human as `the pearl of great price`, which is `futanarian`, because only desirous of the host womb of woman as her guest. Giving bread ad wine as tokens of his body and blood, Jesus` desire is to live rather than be eaten by the betrayers of his message to the human `futanarian` species, whereas Judas sold him on to the Roman Empire`s invading agents in Palestine for `thirty pieces of silver` so he could be killed as a dissident.
Jesus perceived that, if the Graeco-Roman posiiton wasn`t stopped, it`d result in the German `Kriege` (war) position of extermination pogroms against the human `futanarian` species of `woman` seed` with her own penis` semen and brains` power to win the `war in heaven`. War is foretold in Revelation against the `red dragon` waiting in vain to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`. Born to `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, Jesus will `rule the nations with an iron sceptre`, but not to build `concentration camps`, as the German Nazis did in World War II (1939-45), to burn `woman`s seed` in ovens, while pretending jocularly that she was going to the showers and they were helping her to concentrate on her own penis` remembement:
`... the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.` (Rev: 12. 14)

In the Moslem world of the mainly Arabic peoples, the abiyah or burkha, is the usually black one-piece coverall that women appear publically garbed in, which is in accordance with tradition and the teachings of the Koran (610-30 CE) dictated to the Prophet Mohammed as the holy book of Islam by the angels, because the human seed of the futanarian woman of the Earth doesn`t want to be devoured by the `red dragon`.

The `woman clothed with the sun` is the United States of America`s statue of `Liberty` and the red sun of Japan is the flag she`s clothed with after the Japanese `sneak` attack upon the US` Pacific Fleet at Hawaii`s Pearl Harbor in 1941, which brought the USA into the war against blindness. The traditional symbol of fascism, which was Roman, is of the bundle of sticks used by the Romans to construct a screen, behind which they planned what to do in the course of a campaign. But the fasces symbol of an axe within a bundle of sticks is a symbol of how the fascists removed the penis of the woman from the Earth secretly in Western Europe. The Jews were the Nazis `chosen people`, because they recognize that the host womb of women gives birth to all, and it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which means that women are God`s `seed pearl` and the `chosen people` of God`s Bible.

The US` defeat of Japan in WWII was a defence of `the pearl of great price` after Pearl Harbor, that is, the `Kingdom of God`, where `futanarian `woman with her own penis` `seed` is the harbored pearl. When the terrorist group Al Qaeda, `the base`, whose flag was the yellow moon, `sneak` attacked `Liberty` in New York Harbor, by crashing hijacked civil aircraft into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, it was an attempt to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed`. But the Bible tells us that the Messiah will `rule the nations with an iron sceptre` and `Liberty`, as the woman `with the moon at her feet`, after the death of Al Qaeda` s leader, Osama Ben Ladan, thanks to his assassination by US` Navy Team Six on May 2nd 2011, is the `woman`s seed`; `the pearl of great price` who shall be liberated and receive `the Kingdom of God`: because she is God`s pearl.

In the sometimes bizarre sexual relationship between pop star, Kylie Minogue, and Michael Hutchence, lead singer with INXS, and the man with `corrupting Kylie` as his hobby, Michael had the Oedipus role while Kylie was Jocasta, because hanging in a sexual relationship is `choke a star`. Jocasta`s hanging of herself in the story of Oedipus after he blinds himself, signifies her despair at the `star` of nascent insight being `choked`, but Michael and Kylie`s perception was that heightended sexual orgasm in a bizarre form of `bunjee jumping` that resembled the snapped neck of the hanging that provoked penis` semen ejaculation, would bring back to life the `futanarian` aspect of their human relationship.
The Advent of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as `the first of `woman`s seed`, makes Christ, the Messiah, her `seed pearl`, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` corresponds to Jesus as the archetypal `fish`, which is the ancient Christian symbol for the disseminators of the Messiah`s teachings. The `pearl of great price`, which is knowledge of the `woman`s seed`, isn`t a `throwback` into the sea of the unconscious of the depth psychologist, because she`s the `futanarian` future of the human `futrace` as the sole self-reproducer of God`s own species. Because the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, his message is `choked` by Christianity`s inability to accept `futanarian` woman as the human species` `seed`, that is, woman with her own penis` semen to self-reproduce her own brains` power, for technological development and freedom from her enslavers and devourers.

In `Greek` terms, Mary is `choke a star`, that is, Jocasta, because Jesus` Advent was heralded by the mysterious `star` of Bethlehem over his birthplace. The Virgin Mary was able to self-reproduce because she was `futanarian` human and so was `the Son of Man`, as `the first of woman`s seed`, but the question remains: how? Because `futanarian` women have penis` semen of their own, which makes of them a self-fertilizing race. Although the Bible doesn`t indicate Mary had a penis of her own, the fact that she was able to conceive, without male semen, presupposes the indomitable will of the `futanarian` woman to be born, and indeed have Jesus` promised Resurrection after men`s enslaving of her by the simple expedient of killing her off so she wouldn`t remember:
`For in the resurrection they neither marry , nor are given in marriage , but are as the angels of God in heaven.` (Matt: 22.30)

God told Eve her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` but she would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) Earth for heaven. Because she`ll reproduce herself and her own brains` power to develop the technology, for example, starships, to escape from the alien parasitical virality that has taken over her host womb to destroy her in the course of its generations, while keeping her in unconsciosness and blindness through such devices as censorship and media blackout to prevent God and herself from remembering her in the depths of the unconscious mind, which is what happened with Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who conceived and gave birth from memory.
In Sophocles` Greek drama, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus retraces his footsteps to his mother`s host womb, because he`s her `futanarian` remembering herself. He has to solve the `riddle of the Sphinx`, before he can go on to Thebes, the Egyptian city, where Jocasta is, `What goes on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?` The solution is `Man`, but Oedipus doesn`t comprehend it, because the solution is a `cheat` given by a seer, who`s hopeful that Oedipus will understand that he`s the `futanarian` penis of his mother`s `seed`.

Humans crawl as infants, but walk on two legs in the afternoon, whereas the `futanarian` is the third of the `futrace`, which is the human species of `woman`s seed`. The usual solution to the Sphinx`s conundrum about the three-legged man is that a man needs a cane to walk with in old age. But Oedipus` cane is for a blind man because men are blind to the fact that women`s `futanarian` semen is the precursor of the fruit of the redeemed human race that men could be. After eating the serpent`s `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in Eden, men have preferred to blind `woman`s seed` in death and slavery. Oedipus` is a `lame excuse`, because men aren`t slow to understand, and his self-blinding is a fascist metaphor, because he represents the human `footrace`, which men don`t want to breed, because then her blind boys might be more than food for men to devour in their blinded campaignings against the `woman`s seed` in fascist warfare.

The term `choking the chicken` is usually used to refer disparagingly of the male practicve of manipulating the penis to orgasm without a woman, which is termed onanism because of Onan`s preferring this to fertilizing the woman, Tamar, in the Bible story, and resulted in God killing him Onan for being `wicked`. Onanism is a perversion, which denies women `seed`, whereas masturbation is a form of sexual release practised occasionally, but methodologically identical. Because Jocasta`s name means `choke a star` and the `star` being `choked` is, ultimately, Jesus` `futanarian` message, Jocasta`s hanging of herself in the story of Oedipus after he blinds himself, signifies her despair at the `star` being `choked`.
The absence of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, who is effectively the `chicken` being `choked` by men`s incest taboo, prevents Jocasta from contiuing to teach Oedipus. The mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, isn`t described as having a penis of her own, so is a `futanarian` chicken that`s `choked`, because her human species can`t be fertilized and grown by means of her own penis` `seed`. Jesus is crucified and remains celibate, before his death on the cross of his torture, and so represents the `choked chicken`, whether he masturbates or not.
God`s perception is that the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` wouldn`t breed if encouraged into onanism, which is why he killed Onan. A dying race that accepted enslavement and devourment, because it preferred to indolently masturbate without desiring to self-reproduce its own brains` power for the development of technology to save herself and live in freedom from her alien killers, would embrace her extinction.
Having learned Graeco-Roman and the German Nazi`s Kriege in WWI (1914-18) and WWII, humanity`s 21st century began with the `geek` language, which is that of the computer virus. The term `geek` derives from the `circus sideshow` where a `freak` ate the heads of chickens for the entertainment of his audience. Because the choked chicken is `woman`s seed`, the heads of the `chckens choked` are the missing heads of the human brains` power of the `futanarian` species of woman with her own self-fertilizing penis` `seed` and socio-economic valence for technological liberation from her brain devourers.

The 21st century labour-saving device with its home research station of the internet information resource known as the `world wide web` (WWW) was the computer, which `geeks` attacked with their paradigmatic metaphor of the HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` of the late 20th century`s `biological weapon` Employed by homosexual pederasty`s war worship against the host wombs of `woman`s seed`, the computer `Trojan virus`, and World War Web (WWW) was beginning for `woman`s seed`, who wanted her labour saved, so she wouldn`t have to repeat it as a blind, unknowing slave.
Computer programming `geeks`, who developed `machine codes` as computer viruses to crash `systems`, were of the male technological lineage of the ancient Greeks, who employed a huge wooden horse before the gates of Troy to hide within and emerge to enslave the host wombs of the women when the `Trojan horse` was taken inside. The Al Qaeda terrorists of 9/11, 2001, who crashed hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of New York, New York state, were employing the `geek` metaphor to `crash` the US` defense system and precipitate global `rough trade` in pederasty`s worship of war, by revealing themselves as unwanted `guests` inside their `Trojan horse`, which again is a `Greek` sexual metaphor. A `Trojan` in the United States is a condom and prophylactic against the HIV/AIDS` virus, because the Trojans of the city of Troy had to `knowingly` accept the lying horse before the city fell, and the Trojan priest Laocoon is depicted as warning the Trojans in Virgil`s text:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1
Al Qaeda hijacked their planes at Boston`s Logan airport, while Hollywood Babylon had constructed the `Trojan horse` vehicle in the movie, Logan`s Run (1976), which featured `sandmen` who killed all those reaching their 21st, and 9/11 occured in 2001 at the beginning of the 21st century, that is, the Americans `knowingly` accpeted the `Trojan horse` of Hollywood Babylon, because they`d released the film `uncensored`.

`Greek` is a worldwide euphemism for homosexuality`s dissemination of the disease-producing act of anal sex through pederasty and war`s killing off of its rival, `futanarian` woman with her own clean penis` semen, and God warns men against homosexuality in the text of the Bible, ignoring which is punishable by eternal unendurable pain, while `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` after her Resurrection.
Al Qaeda, `the base`, employed the `geek` virus paradigm to activate what depth psychologist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), called the `Oedipal complex`, which presents boys as a type of `swollen foot`, insofar as they`re too slow to see that 9/11 2001`s terrorist act was designed to reestablish worship of the god of pederasty, war, which results in their `running around like headless chickens` looking to continue their `blood plague` of vendetta, because they can`t accept that it`s the woman`s brains` power that`s needed and she can`t breed because they`ve killed her before, which is their unoriginal sin.
Jesus` `bread and wine` at the `Last Supper` before his death may be understood as `bred entwine`, because the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` belong together, and Jesus` giving the `bread and wine` to the disciples as the `host` in token of his `body and blood` is his appeal to understanding, that is, the `host` womb of women as the `futanarian` human species, with its own uncontaminated penis` semen, is `bred entwined`, while men are not `bred` to be `entwined` in each others` arms:
`The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God's wrath.` (Rev: 14. 19)
The only arms offered by ill-bred, drunken twined men to the bred of `woman`s seed` are more of their weapons for her mass destruction in nuclear, chemo-biological, or other forms of their pestilential `plague`, games of demonic psychological warfare designed to keep her out of her own `bread and wined` embrace in blindness to herself and censorship of her own `bred and twined` body`s capacity to self-reproduce herself.

The difficulties attending the birth of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` as the future of the human `futrace` is evident from Jesus` crucifixion scene where the spear of the Roman centurion, Longinus, pierced the side of Christ, the Messiah, to effectively release the Holy Spirit from Jesus` side, that is, the `Second Eve` from the rib of the `Second Adam`, which Jesus said would be mankind`s teacher after him. The `futanarian` woman with her own penis for the future of womankind is a separate independent species waiting for liberation, and Jesus` Holy Spirit is the `futanar` which, in the language of the Hungarians, and borrowed by the Japanese to denote women with a penis` `seed` of her own, is `sex teacher`. After the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of Jesus, Longinus` spear was known as the `Spear of Destiny`, because it represents the penis` `seed` of the `futanarian` human species of woman waiting for Resurrection and rebirth after being killed and delayed by men:
`Mother I killed someone. It wasn't that I hated him. You see, he was trying to stop me, but he found out I've gone the whole way. They'll never take me alive.`2
Though sung by lead singer, Kirk Brandon, the lyric of the song by the band, Spear Of Destiny (1983-), is crying over the woman, `You`ll never take me alive.` It`s sung in lament for the woman, in the third person, as the woman, by a man who would die for her, because the songwriter and singer recognize she shouldn`t be stopped from breeding her own selves` brains` power to give her freedom from a man who represents the enslaver and devourer in its hateful wars of pederasty against her own penis` `seed`.

Pop music has often been accused of being Satanic because of its `twisted lyrics`, but it`s actually the schizophrenic expression of the `futanarian` human species of `woman` seed` with her own penis` semen struggling to express her feelings and desire to be born. Women are taught they`re lesbian if they have sexual feelings for their own `futanarian` selves, while good men incohately express what are preceived as unrealizable emotions associated with being the woman with her own penis` semen, which Jesus` teachings of `woman`s seed` belie insofar as the human spirit will abide even in the event of men`s ceasing to exist, while the promise of Resurrection and Redemption from sin through acceptance of Jesus` teaching offers a heavenly reward:
`Dream on, play with fire. White boy, black girl. Dream on, in the name of love. Black boy, white girl.`3

Michael Hutchence`s reputedly partial asphyxiations while hanging himself to experience heightened orgasm during sexual intercourse with his partner, pop star Kylie Minogue, who reports suggest also practiced anoxia, means they were involved in the sexual ritualism of Oedipus and Jocasta, that is, `slow foot` and `choke a star`, where `slow foot` represents the steady emergence of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen, and `choke a star` represents her delayed birth because of men`s killing of her. If Michael Hutchence was the future `star`, as the `chicken` that was the `choked` of `woman`s seed`, Kylie Minogue would be the host womb of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` that Michael Hutchence would be as a new addition to woman`s family circle; if he lived. Michael left Kylie for Paula Yates, the blonde British televison presenter and sex symbol for The Tube (1982-87) showcase for pop talent, before he died on 22 November, 1997, of a `drug overdose` on the day he told Paula in a telephone conversation:
`I don't know how I'll live without Tiger.`4

Paula had a religious background as the daughter of TV Bishop Yates, and ex-wife of Bob Geldof, lead singer with the Irish band, The Boomtown Rats, who was known as `Saint Bob` for his organizing `LIve AID`. The global charity rock concert franchise, to raise money for Africa`s poor, who would shortly succumb to a lack of education, and the wherewithal to buy condoms, when the doctors were finally able to get through to explain how to combat the killers` disease of HIV/AIDS, was a precursor of the annual World Aids` Day concerts, which `celebrated the struggle`.

Tiger Lily Hutchence was Michael and Paula`s daughter. Whether Michael Hutchence`s spirit lived on in Tiger Lily, or he`s still waiting to be born as a `futanarian` woman with her own clean penis` semen, because not interested in sterile anal sex with men`s anuses, is a matter for God`s angelic host and not The Tube, where it was always possible to see Paula Yates on it, but never conceivable for her `woman`s seed` to be seen in it, which her father, Jess Yates, `the TV Bishop`, might have humanly wanted for his daughter of Eve.
1 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.
2 Brandon, Kirk `You`ll Never Take Me Alive`, Spear Of Destiny, Outlands, 1987.
3 Farriss, Andrew and Michael Hutchence `Orginal Sin`, INXS, The Swing, 1984.
4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Yates.