Still, Not Ted
On 22 November 1963 in Dallas, Texas, President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was killed by a long range assassin`s bullet while sitting in a car with his wife, Jackie, as they passed through the Texas city in a Presidential motorcade. Jack Ruby subsequently shot Lee Harvey Oswald as Lee was awaiting trial for the murder, which again broke God`s commandment:
`Thou shalt not steal.` (Ex: 20. 15)

Most people viewed the assassination of John F. Kennedy as breaking God`s commandment, `Thou shalt not kill.` (Ex: 20. 13) But stealing is the same thing but slower, because theft is the taking of what another possesses. To be possessed by demons is to be murdered by those who want to possess what you have, which necessarily means the taking of your life so that they can live instead of you.

The future commandment of men to themselves is, `Thou shalt not steel.` In the Bible is depicted the `blood plague` of Revelation, which corresponds to HIV/AIDS, the virus created in mixing blood, shit and semen together in anal sex between men as the `killer disease` of the late 20th century. A natural concomitant of the ancient Greek practice of institutionalized homosexuality to enslave the host wombs of women to spread their contagion in the worship of their god of pederasty and war:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

The most notable instance of the spread of the Greek virus in the ancient world was the huge wooden horse before the walls of Troy which the Trojans took into their city where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of women to spread their contagion further, `Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1 The Arabian terrorists on 9/11, 2001, used the `civil` airplanes they`d hijacked as `Trojan horse` viruses to spread the `blood plague` of homosexual `brutality and violence` further by crashing the planes into the World Trade Centre to reestablish their `rough trade` in worship of the three Greek gods of war (Ares), death (Thanatos) and plague (Nosoi).
Because HIV/AIDS is a `killer disease` homosexuals are demons, and by the late 20th century the `virus` had taken hold. In computer software and technology the word `geek` had replaced `Greek`, that is, a euphemism for homosexuality and pederasty, as rogue computer programmers endeavoured to discover new ways of spreading viruses to the newly developed communication systems. Opting for the generic term `Trojan horse` to describe their crashing of developing systems, the terrorists of 9/11, 2001, emulated the software programers to `hack` the US defense system as a virus and crash the peace of the world by posing as visitors, before employing their hijacked planes as `Trojan horses` to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York and begin a global conflict with Al Qaeda, `the base`, which resulted in the Gulf war (2001-11) with Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq, who was deposed for offering to give Al Qaeda bases in Iraq to launch further assaults on `LIberty`.

`Liberty` is freedom but men have moved from being a biological weapon against women`s host wombs to being a virus seeking to crash the world`s socio-economy and give it over to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) of the US, for example, to devour the Earth`s civilization, culture and art, which emerges from the host wombs of the women they`ve enslaved, despite men`s depredations, to foster their worship of Ares, Thanatos and Nosoi:
`Thou shalt have no other gods before me.` (Ex: 20. 3)
In the Bible God tells Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` between the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed` until she `will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for `the new heaven and Earth` God promises her `seed`. The exhortation only makes sense if women have a penis` `seed ` of their own, which `futanarian` women have, while the Advent of Jesus as the man uncontaminated by male semen born from his `futanarian` mother, the Virgin Mary, before being tortured and murdered by the demons who wanted to take his life, was `the first of woman`s seed` to have Redemption and to teach the path away from parasitism. At his `Last Supper` before being crucified to death and his subsequent Ascension to heaven, Jesus gave the disciples `bread and wine` instead of his `body and blood` because he was the host in his mother`s place and didn`t want extinction for her human species, that is, the devourment of civilization, culture and art in men`s ceaseless wars of vendetta against her species` semen`s desire to live and grow.
The 21st century began with a viral attack upon the base of World Trade at the Twin Towers of New York where global `rough trade` in the worship of the Greek gods of war, death and plague had begun. `Liberty`, in New York harbor ,was the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus in his `Second Coming`, because of her victories over the `red sun` of the flag of Japan in WWII (1939-45) and the yellow moon of the flag of Al Qaeda on May 2, 2011, when the leader of `the base`, Osama Ben Ladan, was killed near the Pakistan Military Academy, sheltering in its `shadow`, by `Team Six` of the US Navy.

The main target of the terrorists of pederasty wasn`t to reestablish the `rough trade` of Greek homosexual `brutality and violence` but to be a `metal virus` that prevented women from developing the advanced technology she needed to live as a free human. Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` can self-reproduce with her own species, she can create her own brains` power and socio-economic valence for her future amongst the stars and planets of heaven in starships of her own devising, free of her parasitical aliens that have somehow invaded her host wombs to attach themselves to her penis here on Earth and prevent her form leaving without `it`.

The generally accepted principle of the 20th century was that machines threatened redundancy, but if men are already redundant as a non-species, because they`re sterile insofar as they can`t reproduce without women, who can reproduce without men as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, men`s reliance on women`s fear and ignorance of the value of the machine to liberate is merely a device of women`s captors to keep her as a slave.

By the late 20th century homosexuality`s `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS was the `killer disease` men were employing to keep woman in faithful fear to their monogamous parasitical enslavement of her for devouring in the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for her `seed` to worship the `Greek` gods of Ares (war), Thanatos (death) and Nosoi (plague), which along with `famine` are depicted in Revelation as the `four horsemen` of the apocalypse that precedes `war in heaven` and God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain for those who`ve accepted demonic possession rather than the Holy Spirit of Jesus` teachings acceptance of the host wombs of women; because they`ll be the wombs of the new angelic host of God as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`:
`For in the resurrection they neither marry , nor are given in marriage , but are as the angels of God in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

Despite men`s killing of her human species` `seed`, woman`s `futanarian` future is assured, because God promises her Resurrection and Ascension after Jesus` example, which the Catholic church`s acceptance of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary to heaven made `doctrinal` in 1950. The decade of the 1950s was arguable the age of the motor car, which Henry Ford had begun to mass produce for the first time in 1908 as the Model-T. Even Commander David Scott of Apollo 15 in the North American Space Administration`s (NASA) program for a `manned` space program drove a car, the `luna rover`, on July 30, 1971, upon the moon`s surface.
Commander Scott used the same pedal mechanism used by all of his driving predecessors and successors, which hadn`t changed at the beginning of the 21st century because cars are designed to disable their believers and be pedalled in the incarnations of pederasty`s consumption of scarce resources. In homosexuality`s manufactory, boys learn to play with dangerous toys, like aeroplanes and tanks, after careful instruction from their `fathers`, so they can vicariously worship the fourth `Greek` god of the `serpent`s seed`, famine (Aethon), and so prevent `futanarian` woman`s `seed` from growing enough `food` to put in her mouth, because men want to put the `pet trull` in the tank so they can farther her more seriously:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The `Luddites` of the 19th century were the model for men`s regressivity. In the textile industry men who protested against labor-saving machinery (1811-17) were named for Ned Ludd, who in `Luddite` folklore had smashed two `stocking frames` in 1779. Men`s refusal to develop liberating technology for women after the invention of the motor car for their pederastical activities of encouraging the pedalling of dangerous toys for boys, makes of them a `Luddite` metal virus equivalent to their role as `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` forcing women to accept faithfulness to her enslaver and devourer.

Because of the `geek` computer virus, where `geek` is dictionarily defined as the `circus sideshow freak`, who `eats the heads of chickens`, they in fact ran around like `headless chickens` on 9/11, 2001, not knowing what to do: the virus had pentrated their defences. Men are the `Greek` paradigm for the crashing of the global defense system for the body politic`s immunity from disease. When Al Qaeda`s terrorists crashed hijacked aeroplanes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, they reestablished homosexuality`s `brutality and violence`, which is the `rough trade` of boys` enslavement to the teachings of pederasty`s `fathers`, and men still haven`t accepted Jesus` teachings of the host:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2

The lunar module from which Neil Armstrong emerged as the first man on the moon represented the zenith of technological advancement in pederasty, because US President Ronald `ray gun` Reagan`s 1982 `Strategic Defense Intitiative` (SDI) was a `ground and space based missile system` to encircle the globe and prevent `futanarian` woman from getting her foot off the pedal car and into her own space away from the imprisoning alien that had invested her planet, the Earth, with its viral forms:
`Avaunt!` (Matt: 4. 10)

Jesus` words to Satan are usually interpreted as `Get behind me, Satan!` But the word actually means `afore`, which is translatable as `go before me so that I can see you` . Many episodes from the life and teachings of Jesus involve his casting out possessing demons because they`re life drainers, but Jesus` genius was to perceive that men are the parasites upon women`s host wombs, so her `demons` are what they are. If they wanted to steal, they`d rather do it behind your back. Until they felt it was time to kill you and have you reincarnated in pederasty`s enslavement, which is what Jesus understood before he was crucified.
The `perpetual enmity` for `woman` seed`, on the part of the `serpent`s seed`, are what the demons` incarnations and wars over `pet trull` are. Being `demon driven` in disabled pedal vehicles, nosing the behind of the car in front, before they grow their longer noses as tanks to fire projectiles at each other and enslave more host wombs of women to further spread their contagion of false idol worship of war (Ares), death (Thanatos), plague (Nosoi) and famine (Atheon), men are ridden by their boys` owners addiction to `the monkey on their back`, who may once have been human but isn`t any longer.

The lunar module had a porthole in it, something like a front loading washing machine, which was the major technological advance for the home achieved by the NASA Apollo space missions. As a `labour-saving` device it`d have been smashed by the `Luddites` in the 19th century textile industry as a threat and a danger to the artisans` continued employment. Women washing in the home doubtless didn`t perceive the automatic washing machine as a similar danger to their becoming redundant, whereas car workers in the factories in the Midlands of the United Kingdom, most notably at British Leyland in Brimingham, resisted robots as fiercely as `Luddites` trying to prevent a woman from getting a washing machine out of NASA in the 1970s.

Men`s metal virus was symptomatic of the desire to ensure the woman remained debilitated in the home so she couldn`t escape, but the internet of the early 21st century at least afforded the possibility of rediscovering herself as the human species with its own penis` `seed` as `futanarian` woman by glancing at the webporn available on the uncensored world wide web of instant communications ( ). Because robots can take better care of the human than the human, which any brief glance at the extensively improved functionality of the individual with a computer proves, men don`t want machines for women who want each other, and so `futanarian` woman is almost extinct, but she`s God`s human species, which means men are demoniacally possessing her bodies in their coercive monogamous enslavings of her spirit for the furtherance of the worship of their false gods of war, death, plague and famine. In the mass production of the devourer`s tools of war, to protect the host wombs of their slaves that produce civilization, culture and art, men keep women from being liberated through labour-saving machines in the jails of their love for the boy Ned Ludd and the pederasty of his `Luddites`:
`Six days shalt thou labour , and do all thy work` (Ex: 20. 9)

In socio-economic terms life is about being able to live independently of government, which was the political philosophy established by the leader of the British Conservative Party, Margaret Thatcher after her election to the position of Prime MInister of the United Kingdom in 1979. One of the last acts of her leadership was to declare a successful first war on Iraq (1990-1) and its President, Saddam Hussein, after his army had invaded neighbour Kuwait to make that nation another unwilling host of a demoniacally possessive dictatorship, but her genius was to see that women must be free of their centrally controlling governor to be independent. The advent of the internet and the information superhighway of hypertext webpage information and instant messaging through e-mails meant an increase in the possibility for socio-economic independence on the part of those who sought to live without a social safety net provided by their governments in the form of financial handouts to the unemployed and those who didn`t want employment:
`By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.` (Gen: 3. 19)

God`s instructions to Eve were she`d experience pain in labour, while God`s words to Adam are interpreted in pederasty as `foot` rather than `food`, because `futanarian` woman`s penis` `seed` is the human spirit that produces civilizaton, culture and art, which means men eat women`s `futrace` to prevent her from running her own race and leaving Earth`s aliens behind her for the planets and stars of heaven in the starships she creates from her own bred brains` power.

Science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, wrote the short story collection, I, Robot (1950), which extensively examined men`s antipathy to labour-saving devices, `Thou shalt not steel.` Men`s demoniacal confidence trick is that women need men to build for her, which is why God tells Eve she`ll have labour pains before she leaves Earth. `Labour` is the common term for `workforce` but, if men refuse to help women with their labour, she has her own `futanarian` penis` `seed` from God to become a self-producer, which are her own labour pains.

Refusing to give way to robot technology that will make them labour-saved, men are making woman redundant as a species in order to pursue a `labour dispute` with God because they don`t want women to work for themselves. Woman can`t give birth to herself as an advanced race without the scientific advances she needs to make through her own brains` bred power, and men`s `labour dispute` with God over fears of becoming redundant through `labour-saving` robots is preventing woman from being able to labour without pain, because childbirth is only a joy if you`re birthing your own species.

Jack Ruby shot John F. Kennedy`s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, and killed him before he could be sentenced. Kennedy`s car was moving as slowly as wheels can in pederasty, but his brother Ted Kennedy`s wheels were moving quicker when his car went off a bridge on July 18, 1969, with Mary Jo Kopechne as the `futanarian` in the boot who drowned in the river. Robert Kennedy had been murdered on 6 June, 1968, by the Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, after he`d sealed the nominaton for the Democratic Party`s Presidential campaign, because of his support for the Jewish state of Israel, which translates as brother John was still not Ted, who wasn`t Bobby still, while Mary Jo Kopechne was the `woman`s seed`, who still didn`t want the boot to be on the `futanarian` other, because the demoniacally possessed Ted kept his foot depressed to the floor as the car`s accelerator took him over the Chappaquiddick bridge with a `futanarian` depressed and floored in the boot.

The idea of woman as the alien on the planet Earth is typical of men`s ideological perspective in which they project themselves as aliens invading the Earth in Hollywood, Babylon, movies but they also abrogate the heroes` role as the defenders of the Earth, whereas they are themselves the alien parasites inhabiting the host womb of `woman`s seed`, before emerging to invade and devour her planet in the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed`, while Jesus` teachings of acceptance of woman as the human species is men`s only possibility for Redemption, which is to be born as `woman`s seed`.

In the Bible Jesus` words describe the Resurrection in which humans are `as the angels` in heaven where they are neither given nor taken in marriage because women are a single biune species of `futanarian` with her own penis` semen and so Redemption requires men`s acceptance of her because, as the Jewish tradition explains, it isn`t possible to be a Jew, that is, of God`s `chosen people`, without being born of a Jewess, so women are the `chosen` of the Earth and men must accept it if they`re to continue as `woman`s seed` born from her host womb.

Reincarantion is the perception that men enslave `woman`s seed` as the `serpent`s seed` in `perpetual enmity` for the spirit of humanity and God, because men conceive of reincarnation as the opportunity to exact revenge and enslave those who have troubled their demoniacal system of forced labour for those who perceive the innocent as newborn visitors through the host wombs of women. Jesus` crucifixion symbolizes the need for individuals to break the circle of reincarnation in death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which requires acceptance of `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, represented by Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary.

Rebirth from the `futanarian` woman or Resurrection as `woman`s seed` is the only possibility for men. Unless they convert through Jesus` teachings and become transformed through the process known as `transubstantiation`. In the Catholic Communion service, the `bread and wine` of Jesus` `Last Supper` is `transmuted` through the wine from the chalice and the wafer from the hand of the priest into the `body and blood` of the man, Jesus. Christ represents the host, because he is an acceptable visitor through the womb of woman, whereas those who aren`t good guests have only reincarnation and God`s perdition, that is, the punishment of eternal unendurable pain, in their future after God`s final judgement upon them, which is heaven as the new angelic host or hell as the demons, who are male chauvinism, that sought to possess, enslave and devour the human species of woman:
'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' (Matt: 20. 16)

False witness is telling an untruth to your neighbour, which is what men who demoniacally have enslaved the human species of `woman`s seed` have done to her, because she isn`t aware of her spiritual role as a producer of the civilization, culture and art they plan to destroy, and she doesn`t know she has penis` `seed` of her own to breed her own brains` power to develop the technology to save her as a species socio-economically and physically independent of men`s breeding program, which isn`t God`s. Jesus` advice is truth:
`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Matt: 22: 37-39)

Unless Jesus` principle of `love your neighbour` is applied, women live as repressed lesbians, because their nature is single and biune as a `futanarian` species that sexually reproduces, which Jesus perceived wouldn`t be revealed by men as her enslavers, so loving each other and God, as she loved herself, was woman`s salvation because her devouring male chauvinist demons would never tell her the truth and have instead created a schizophrenic society where Christian women, for example, believe they`re living in holy matrimony as creatures engaged in a redemptive task towards the demons they`ve accepted, while their own species is perceived as `lesbian` if sexually desired:
'Honor your father and your mother.' (Ex: 20. 12)

If women are fatherers with their own penis` semen, God is her creator, whereas men have abrogated the concept of father only to themselves, while women not only are fatherers but fartherers, in the sense that everything human emerges from their host wombs, which means `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is fatherer after the creator, and so mother and God, the fatherer, is honourable; in Jesus` understanding.

John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas, because his slow moving car made of him an easy target for a killer, which is what men have been doing with technology since the industrial revolution made it possible to perceive their upcoming obsolescence. John Kennedy was like Oedipus, in Sophocles` ancient Greek drama. Oedipus Rex (c. 429 BC), who was guided by Antigone, his daughter, after his self-blinding for breaking the taboo of incest with his mother, Jocasta. The incest taboo keeps women away from recognizing herself as a single biune family, that is, species, with her own penis` `seed`. Kennedy`s murder resulted in his wife, Jackie, becoming the guide to the nation of the United States, where the demons that murdered her husband, John, had themselves perceived as protecting the `First Lady`, while putting her in the role of the Antigone figure from Oedipus Rex to guide the self-blinders on their path of feigned helplessness so they can continue living as redundant parasites from her host womb.

Oedipus is in the role of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` with his mother, Jocasta, but men`s incest taboo, which is their killer`s mandate against her species, is too strong for Oedipus, who blinds himself, but he doesn`t kill himself, because he`s a blind parasite seeking continuance anyway. He can`t kill Antigone because she`s his guide and he can`t see her, but he`s Christ-like because he knows men want to kill her, which is the real reason for his self-blinding: he knows. Mary Joe Kopechne was the `futanarian` woman in the boot of Ted Kennedy`s car who couldn`t see while she was drowning, but she had the Antigone role because the 20th century didn`t want women to `seed`:
`On a national television broadcast that night, Kennedy said that he had not been driving `under the influence of liquor` nor had he ever had a `private relationship` with Kopechne.`3

Ted Kennedy either couldn`t see, because he was blind drunk, that he shouldn`t have a relationship with the `futanarian` woman he`d put in the boot of his car, or could see that he was putting a `futanarian` woman into the car boot, because he wanted the woman to die in unconsciousness, and where water is more than a metaphor for the darkness of the unconscious mind, as it is amongst renowned depth psychologists. The founder of modern psychology, with its theories of penis repression, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), and the developmental psychologist, Carl Jung (1875-1961), both saw water as the vessel of the emerging soul of the individual. Woman`s brain is drowning in death and her future is reincarantion as an ignorant slave, rather than Resurrection as an aware human woman. Mary Jo Kopechne drowned as a `futanarian` in the boot of a car. Still, she wasn`t Ted, though dead she remains `til Resurrection, while men continue to wage war on God to keep her still.
1 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.
2 July 20 1969 (UTC).
3 Fenton, John H. `Kennedy Granted A Closed Inquest In Kopechne Case`, New York Times, October 31, 1969.