Traci Lords Of The Rings
The American pornstar, Traci Lords, raped at 10, made What Gets Me Hot! (1984), her first sex film aged 16, and is perceived by society as amongst those women who are `beyond the pale`, because she lived by using her body sexually for the camera. However, sex education is what many others perceive Traci Lords as fulfilling, where they can only fail due to inhibition or ignorance. Traci later made the science fiction mainstream movie, Princess Of Mars (2009), drawn from the novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess Of Mars (1912), in which the central female character, Dejah Thoris, encounters John Carter, mysteriously translated from his own milieu during the period of the United States of America`s Civil War (1861-5) to end slavery`s perception that negroes aren`t human, and who returns there in an equally strange denouement, when the oxygen plant on `Barsoom` fails and he loses consciousness. As a Martian red princess, Traci Lords is represented as an alien, while Edgar Rice Burroughs` description of a man, John Carter, who can`t breathe the same air as Dejah Thoris, is species defining, because she`s effectively the female minority and Burroughs` perception is that men can`t live with her:
`Mine own people do not care for me, John Carter; I am too unlike them. It is a sad fate, since I must live my life amongst them.`1
In Britney Spears` pop video `Oops I Did It Again` (2000) an Apollo style NASA astronaut arrives on her planet announcing to `Mission Control` on Earth, `Ninety-eight per cent oxygen.` He`s John Carter and Britney Spears, wearing a red jump suit, is the red Martian princess who`s got the oxygen plant to function, so he can breathe with her again. `Twinned` in the video, Britney Spears` separateness from her other self is made plain when she hoists her spaceman visitor by means of a pulley above herself in a white bikini dress so he can film her from up there with his camera. Although reproductive equipment isn`t visible beneath Britney Spears` white bikini skirt, the `twinning` of her suggests red Martians are a species separate from spacemen, like the hero John Carter:
`You see my problem is this; I'm dreaming away, wishing that heroes, they truly exist.`2
Female pornstars are demonized because they take off their clothes and are filmed having sex with men for money, whereas the men are the demons who`re having sex with her and paying her money whilst calling her a demon. Traci Lords` appears in Princess Of Mars, as representative of an alien species, but she`s a human woman. Demonization of the female form is so ingrained as to be racist. In `Oops I Did It Again` Britney Spears` spaceman`s camera eye`s filming of her in a white bikini dress, while `pictures` are relayed to `Mission Control` on Earth, is her protesting at being perceived as an out of control demon alien pornstar. In Eden, the first woman, Eve, was tempting to the serpent and demonized as responsible for accepting the contagion of its `seed`, which God told her would have `perpetual enmity` with hers, although she will:
`...crush the head of the serpent as she leaves [Earth].` (Gen: 3.15)

If Eve is `woman`s seed`, the demonizing of her is evidence of the `serpent`s seed` and its aim of enchaining her. If women have `seed` of their own, Traci Lords` films are perceivable as pornography, because they depict how the serpent is able to breed with the woman to give her species its brains and so take over her spirit and soul, which is what demonic possession constitutes. Because women have penis` `seed` of their own as `futanarian` women, pornography is definable as sexual descriptivity without the truth. Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` video for her pop single presents her as duplicated and so attempts to be descriptively true for women who can sexually reproduce with each other, whereas Traci Lords` Princess Of Mars is pornography because John Carter represents woman`s enslavement to a lie that men keep her well.

In the novel made into the movie trilogy, Lord Of The Rings (2001-3), J. R. R. Tolkein spends almost the entire three volumes eliding the essential meaning, which is that the `Lady Of The Golden Wood`, Galadriel, and her elven race, must pass away because women`s sexuality is too strong for men to accept. At the close of Part Three, The Return Of The King (1954-5), Galadriel and her people leave Middle Earth, while the depredations of men are restored in the town of Hobbiton and elsewhere by means of `seed` from the forest of Lothlorien, which is an unwritten metaphor for the fertility of Galadriel`s woman`s testicles.

Because J. R. R. Tolkein is unable or unwilling to describe the truth, which is that men don`t want the human species to breed, as she`s women with their own penis` `seed`, Lord Of The Rings is definable as pornography, that is, lies, as is most else in what passes for human society. Because `woman`s seed` is her reproductive power to deploy and employ her own brains, the hypothetical power of actress Cate Blanchett`s penis to regenerate the Earth isn`t euphemistical, which is why Galadriel`s `seed` is depicted by Tolkein as restoring Hobbiton after men`s ruinations:
`May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out.`3

The Lord Of The Rings describes men`s pogrom against the human species because they`ve accepted the `serpent`s seed` as enslavers of women`s host wombs, without accepting the `seed` of woman`s own penis` semen as her right to self-reproduce, which will result in her extinction as the brains of what the Bible identifies as `the beast` takes hold of the human mind. In the movie Beowulf, adapted for the screen from the 8th century tale of Denmark`s monster, Grendel, and his mother, played by the undoubtedly beautiful and sexually powerful Angelina Jolie, she is demonized to the point at which she`s depicted as a demon, because that`s how male myths control the female:
`The gods need us. They need our worship. What do we need of them?`4

In Greek mythology, the woman raped by the god Poseidon is punished for her beauty by transforming her hair into poisonous snakes. In the Hollywood Babylon movie, Clash Of The Titans (2010), Medusa has her head cut off by the `hero`, Perseus. Actress Natalia Vodianova`s head was apparently so ugly she`d turn those who looked upon it to stone, so Sam Worthington, the actor in the role of Perseus, used her head as a shield boss. Vodianova`s body is effectively removed for its being beautiful and turning heads, while her `snakes`, symbolically the `monstrous` penii of the Medusae, could emerge as `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` from the host womb of the human race if she were to sexually reproduce and `Greek` heroes like Perseus don`t want her to:
`Would you like to hear the story of my struggle against this monstrous hag?`5

In the movie version of Beowulf (2007), Angelina Jolie`s demon is blamed for the depredations of the monster Grendel, that is, the son emerging from her womb, because that`s how women are demonized by the parasites that have invaded her belly and stolen her penis` `seed`. The woman is blamed for her child, although he`s not the fruit of her own penis` semen, but what the human species has been taught is her male aspect, which has deformed her race by killing the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and giving her its brain in sexual reproduction to initiate enslavement at a deliberately maintained low level of technological development, which is barbarism:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

Brad Pitt, husband of Angelina Jolie, had the role of the `hero`, Achilles, in Troy (2004), the Hollywood, Babylon, movie about the huge wooden horse built by the Greek army to hide men inside, and which they left as a gift for the Trojans who took it inside the city walls. The Greeks emerged to capture Troy and enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of institutionalized homosexuality, pederasty and war further, because the citadel is a metaphor for the woman with her own penis` `seed`, who doesn`t want her host wombs to be the slaves of men. Achilles is, effectively, a Greek homosexual spreading plague:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth. (Rev: 17. 5)
The Bible describes the `blood plague` of Revelation attending the reign of `the beast` worshipped by many, because the emergence of the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS is a sign of men`s rejection of women`s host wombs in preference for the sterility and death of anal mockery of sexually reproductive intercourse in the mixing of blood, shit and male semen, which is anathema to the human woman with her own penis` semen that she wants to use to reproduce her own brains` powers without bestiality. In terms of Hollywood, Babylon, Brad Pitt had abandoned California blonde, Jennifer Aniston, for exotic Angelina Jolie, who was demonized as responsible for the divorce, while Brad Pitt was given the role of Achilles to underscore the betrayal:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`6

Although Diane Kruger is Helen in the movie, Jennifer Aniston has the `virtual` role of `Helen of Troy`, kidnapped by the Trojan Prince, Paris. Helen was taken to Troy from Sparta, where she`d been the bride of king Agamemnon, which precipitated the siege of Troy by the Greek army, as decribed in The Iliad (760-710 BC) by the ancient Greek poet, Homer. In Hollywood terms, Jennifer Aniston`s relationship with Brad Pitt makes her `the most beautiful woman in the world` rejected by men`s homosexuality, because it favours pederasty and war`s contagiousness over woman`s selflessness in offering a host womb to what isn`t her species:
`Forgive me father, but you won't be the one fighting.`7

With penis` semen of their own to breed women`s own human brainpower, the `futanarian` race can combat men`s pogromed sterilization of the human species of woman, and men`s enslaving contamination through their breeding with her as her disabling brain disease, which has as its teleological goal her extinction of whatever`s human. Jesus Christ was born uncontaminated by male semen from the womb of a virgin, Mary, because God`s plan is for the `woman`s seed` to decontaminate the human species by having her breed her own brains as a `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`:
``Love your neighbor as yourself.` There is no commandment greater than these.` (Mk: 12. 30-1)

Jesus` teachings of Redemption are based on his homespun philosophy of the host, which the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion and death illustrates. Offering `bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood` as `host`, Jesus` betrayal to his torturers by the disciple, Judas Iscariot, is that of the species` traitor, who gives up the host womb of woman to the `serpent`s seed`, because he represents that which doesn`t want the human brain to be able to resist enslavement and death.
The great dream of humanity is immortality but, without medical advances in technology, there can be no longevity or rejuvenative treatments for human women, while men hadn`t, by the beginning of the 21st century, yet found a cure for HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`, which they`d created by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses. The illness continued to function as men`s hegemonic tool for faithfulness through fear and, as a `biological weapon` of misogyny achieving its aim of maintaining slavery in beringed wedlock to the alien seeking to pogrom the human species` extinction, killed it as slowly (or as quickly) as the aliens deemed it necessary to ensure its continuation in docility and obedience while their `war game` destroyed the Earth and the humans upon it.
The 21st century was the age in which the virus was revealed as men`s demonic valence. Demons want you to believe that you`re as they are, which is a form of possession, and then they destroy you because you accept their mode of behaviour. Homosexuals transmitted the HIV/AIDS `killer disease` through anal sex together, but `political correctness` in `PC` feminism said that lesbians without a penis and means of transmitting HIV/AIDS by mixing semen, blood and shit in each others` anuses were clinically describable as `homosexual` in psychological terms, while `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen, who were able to sexually reproduce as the human species, and couldn`t be schizophrenically diagnosed as `lesbian`, by the prevailing homosexual ethos, can only be definable as the `humans` amongst their `schizophrenic` sisters, who`d yet to discover that they were all `normal`, because men were the virus that had invaded their human host wombs to steal their genitalia and replicate as the Earth`s `killer disease`. As women`s bred brain disease, men transformed the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed` into a schizophrenic self-hater for having sexual feelings for her own race. Symptomatic of the illness was the 21st century `geek` who replaced the ancient Greek as the deviser of a `Trojan horse` to take the city. Though the human`s soul and spirit had managed to devise the personal computer, despite men`s brain damaging her, the `geeks` decided the `PC` wasn`t `politically correct` and began administering `bad machine code` as `Trojan` viruses to reinforce the brain damage the human species had already previously suffered.
When Al Qaeda`s terrorists hijacked `civil` planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York on September 11, 2001, they were applying the `PC` principle of the `Trojan horse` to crash the system and reestablish global `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` of homosexuality`s devouring warfare, which maintains the brain damaged status quo for the human species` pogromers. When Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Ladan, was killed by US Team Six on May 2, 2011, the Gulf war (2000-11) to depose Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq who`d offered bases there to Al Qaeda, was all but ended. President George W. Bush`s declared `War On Terror` (2003-) remained ongoing and the internet`s information system was a target for surveillance by security organizations like the United States` National Security Administration (NSA) to `spy` on individuals deemed by their `national heads` to be security threats, which meant `lesbians`.

Because `lesbians` are a part of the larger mathematical `subset` {women}, they`re Jesus` Christian dissidents, who believe in `woman`s seed`, whereas the NSA`s spymasters are concerned with nullifying political dissent that could destabilize the system. George W. Bush`s `War On Terror` is, paradoxically and counterproductively, a war on women`s `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen. If pornography is sexual descriptivity without the truth, defining the human species as `schizophrenically lesbian` is what security adminstrations do, and so is what viral terrorists are. Because women are blinded through `censorship` and `media blackout` to what humans look like without their clothes off and so can`t understand what God expects them to sexually reproduce. Conformist taboos against internet pornography are designed to achieve the extinction of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity to self-reproduce her own brains` power and technological future. Kept in enslaved ignorance to the pogrom being waged against her, disguised as international conflict between nation states, mummys concern themselves over whether or not babes should take their knickers off on page 3 of the UK national newspaper, The Sun. No, because it`d reveal the absence of a penis and raise questions in the British Houses of Commons and Lords over revelations caused by the identity of the human being leaked without permission from the appropriate governing bodies.
1 Burroughs, Edgar Rice A Princess Of Mars, A.C. McClurg, 1917, 326 pp.
2 Yacoub, Rami and Martin Karl Sandberg `Oops I Did It Again` from Britney Spears` album Oops! ... I Did It Again, March 27, 2000.
3 Blanchett, Cate as Galadriel in The Return Of The King, Wing Nut Films, December 1, 2003.
4 Walker, Polly as Cassiopeia in Clash Of The Titans, Warner Bros., April 20, 2010.
5 Winstone, Ray as Beowulf in Beowulf, Warner Bros., November 16, 2007.
6 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.
7 Bana, Eric as Hector in Troy, Warner Bros., May 14, 2004.