Twelve Inches To The Foot
The average size of the male penis, according to statisitcal gathering, is approximately six inches. The `father` of repression psychology, Sigmund Freud, argued that `penis envy`1 was a cause of feelings of inferiority in human sexual behaviour, while Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) posited a consciousness made up of four functions, Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Inuition, which became conscious or differentiated during a process Jung called `individuation`. In Jungian psychology the least differentiated function was the most difficult to bring into consciousness to actualize the individual `self`, because it was associated with instinctual libidic energy, and so corresponded to the penis, which had a shadow aspect that would receive integration into individual awareness once the problem of `penis envy` was overcome:
`In reality, the mean length of the erect penis appears to be only about 5.88 inches (14.9 centimetres), which is considerably less than the 'old' measurement.`2

Because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian`, the `penis envy` of the male is directed at her, whereas Sigmund Freud believed women envied men. In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` before she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth` promised by God. If her `foot` is her `futanarian` human species capable of socio-economic independence because she self-reproduced her own brains` power for the purpose of developing technology to liberate her, the Bible is understood. In English a foot is twelve inches and women`s penis is bigger than men`s, despite the information `blackout` and censorship upon her own `futanarian` self-fertilizing `seed`, because of `penis envy`. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jeus is `the first of woman`s seed`, accoridng to the Bible, and so his mother is `futanarian`, which means that a solution to the `riddle of the Sphinx` is found:
`What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`
In the play Oedipus Rex by the ancient Greek dramatist, Sophocles (c. 429 BC), the Sphinx is depicted eliciting the reply, `Man`, to her `riddle`. Usually, the riddle is interpeted as a baby which grows into an adult but in old age it needs a cane to walk with, whereas the story of Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his `futanarian` mother, the Virgin Mary, posits the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen to walk beside man and woman as their `futanarian` companion, which means the two footed race develops a third, and so `Man` has a third foot in the evening of her race`s journey to the planets and stars now visible to her vision, because it`s in accordance with God`s plan for the human `footrace`:
`When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Mk: 12. 25)
Jesus was crucified and tortured to death by the Imperial Roman occupying authorities in Palestine as a dissident which, after Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, is deemed a mysterious redeeming of mankind, whereas Jesus` advocacy of acceptance of the host, that is, the womb of woman as the human species, rather than betrayal by the guest, who was Judas at the `Last Supper`, is the essence of a comprehendable message to the disciples in which Jeus offers `bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood`, because human eat and drink, but don`t devour the host. Consequently, Jesus` teaching is `love your neighbour as you love yourself` because your neighbour is yourself and doesn`t want to be devoured by you, which is what the Roman Empire had done to Palestine in socio-political terms:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Women had already been devoured by the parasite that has enslaved her host womb for the purpose of waging wars against the civilization, culture and art she`s been able to produce therefrom despite its depredations. Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen as `new man` from the woman with her own capacity to reproduce prefigures the reemergence of the devoured human species of `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`. The `futanarian` is `food` to the alien, because it envies the race of humanity`s `seed`, which it doesn`t want to get its `foot` of the Earth and away from men`s `six inch` meagreness. Impotence is the sign of a creature uninterested in sexual reproduction and socio-economic development, while the women`s penis is potent. She can fill a bucket. The disappearance of the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed`, almost to the point of extinction, suggests she`s been eaten and is enslaved as a source of `food` rather than that her penis should be liberated so the `foot` of her `futanarian` race`s twelve inches and more can breed her own brains` power.

God has warned men many times about preferring each other to women. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God for homosexuality (Gen: 16, 19), while the `blood plague` of Revelation is the late 20th century`s incurable `killer disease` produced by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during homosexual intercourse, which is now not only sterile but deadly:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In ancient Greece men institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to further war in pederasty, which is the devouring of one`s neighbours, and the enslaving of more host wombs to feed men`s perverted sexual appetite for eating their own `futanarian` human race. Paradoxically, men eat their own foot so they can`t walk, which is what they`re known for. In the story of Oedipus he unwittingly marries his mother, Jocasta, but the incest taboo, which is designed to prevent the woman from having reproductive sexual intercourse with her own single biune family of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed`, is so strong that Oedipus blinds himself, because that`s what men are known for.
Taboos against the penis` visibility, especially in Hollywood Babylon where women had to keep their foot on the floor in bedroom scenes as a production rule imposed by the movie making studios from 1934 onwards, ensured the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` was prevented from rising, Taboos against pornography conditioned children to see a woman`s breasts as normal but somehow unclean, while the sight of her flat pudenda or mons veneris was `dirty`, because women have their own penis` semen and so the nude woman is normally sexually desirable to her own perceivedly abnormal `lesbian` admirers. In simple terms, the man who finds women sexually desirable is `lesbian`, because women are the species of the `futanarian` man, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus.

Jesus` teaching was that men are abnormal because they`ve eaten their own foot and don`t want the human species of `woman`s seed` to see. Taboos against the `futanarian` body of woman with her own penis` semen paint a false picture of reality, which tells women they should be schizophrenic because they shouldn`t have sexual desire for themselves and each other. Men`s moving pictures teach her that she doesn`t have penis` `seed` of her own and she must continue to see men as her producer. The movie industry of Hollywood Babylon is a world`s mirror insofar as acting consists of `action` movies in which war is promoted as `entertainment` from the producers to the actors, which was confirmed by the movie World Trade Centre (2006) about the terrorist planes crashed into New York`s Twin Towers on 9/11 2001 to reestblish global `rough trade` in war`s pederasty. But women`s host wombs are the real producers and it`s her eyes that are blinded by `media blackout` and censorship, and it`s her foot that`s being eaten, so her `futanarian` species can`t see to `movie`, which is what the human race needs her to do if it`s to live.
In undifferentiated form Jung`s unconscious functions of Sensation, Thinking, Feeling and Intuition are associated with the eyes or sight, the ear or hearing, the mouth or speaking and eating and drinking, and the nose or sense of smell. Idiomatically, men are `cutting off their nose to spite their face`, because they don`t want to see `woman`s seed` and refuse to listen to the teachings of Jesus. While devouring the human species in a perversion of sexual appetite that`s war, men have come to prefer the smell of their own pheromones in acts of homosexual `brutality and violence`, which are known in pederasty as `rough trade`, and that`s indicative of their no longer being either desirous of sexual reproduction or capable, whereas `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed` is. Men`s role in the process of sexual reproduction is over in seconds, whereas women gestate for nine months.

Because all women have a womb, whether they have penis` semen of their own or not, it means they`re all gestators, while men are finished with the reproductive process, after they`ve ferilized the woman, almost as soon as she`s fertile. This makes woman a technologically evolving `futanarian` species with her own host womb for herself more sympatico from God`s perspective as a developer. Women who share a regard for their own host wombs are more likely to survive as a species capable of the longevity in God`s `immortality` plan. The self-reproduction of their own brains` power will supplement a desire for life with the medical improvements that will help her to live, rather than the brains of men`s constructing weapons of devastation to help her to die, while they watch the show `live on CNN`:
`We must never forget the depths of inhumanity to which terrorist fanatics are willing to sink in the name of their depraved cause as they seek to destroy the very principles of freedom and democracy on which this great nation was founded.`3
God told Eve she`d have labour pains in childbirth while her husband, Adam, must live `by the sweat` of his `brow`, because giving birth to herself as her own species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen as her own host womb`s self-fertilizer will be a painful process for the daughters of Eve. The steady decrease in the average size and potency of the male penis is a concomitant of the sterile desire of what now passes for the human race for its own death. The rock band 10CC took its name for the average amount in cubic centimetres of sperm produced by the male testicles. The ejaculate of a `futanarian` woman is much more than that and indicates a higher degree of potency and interest in species` self-reproduction and continuance. Sterility doesn`t characterize the desire of the `futanarian` woman for her own penis` `seed` and its enviable desirous proportions; of a foot at least. Men might want to die in homosexuality`s sterile preference for itself, but woman with her own `futanarian` penis` semen, as the sole self-reproductive capacity of the race of humanity, doesn`t have to agree to it.
1 Freud, Sigmund `On Sexuality` (PFL 7), p. 195-6.
3 Pataki, George Governor, New York, New York state, `Why We Remember 9/11`,, 1443 GMT, October 20, 2006,